Dev Log 5 - Moving Forward, Theme and Genre

Hello, it’s Justin and Erik

Today we would like to announce that prototyping for ideas is finished and that we are now proceeding with our final game idea and how we are we going to tackle the idea and execute it into a game.

Overall, in our playtests and prototyping in the past three weeks we received a lot of good feedback from each of our prototypes during the playtest. This week we decided what game we as a duo wanted to make for our project and how we are going to approach making the game.

We decided to make the game into a Metroid Vania game since one of us has knowledge of the genre and one of us wanted to try challenging himself making a game in a genre he never explored before.

As for the theme of the game we settled on it being steampunk as we are both interested in this theme, and we would like to see how far we can go with the idea and what results we can produce at the end of this project.

As of right now we are currently tweaking game mechanics, our core game loop and what other secondary mechanic we are going to keep, add or remove from the game, however, further playtesting will be required to gather data on how the game is going to play out in the long run.

We hoped that you continue to follow the development of this game and we look forward to sharing more information with you  soon.

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