Dev log 13 - Final Thought and Conclusion

Hi, all

I will be talking about final update on the game what changes we made for the game, our final thoughts and conclusion on the game.

First off is the game update I made new level tiles for the first and last levels of the game especially last level of the game we receive feedback from alpha and beta playtester that design for the tiles were dark and bland so I made the new background & foreground tiles for the last level.

Lastly, I made minor level update for the game such avoid hitting ground tiles when the player is under underneat.

We are finally at the end of development of the project, you can now play the game in itch and overall, we are completely satisfied with the results despite we had to more ideas we want to implement on the game, however, had to be scrapped due to time constraint and as well as bugs that werent solved in time. but overall we are happy with the end result of the game.

it was fun project to work in duos as opposed working groups of four, we had more hand on every part of the project, however, there is limitation of the what we can accomplish because we hands on everything on the project.

Hopefully you get enjoy the game as much we when developed the game.


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