Dev Log 3 - Playtest 2 & Conversion

Hello again,

Just  a quick recap my name is Justin and my goal for this project was to produce 3 prototypes before deciding the main objective of our game. my goal for this was to continue test the same prototype, however, we were given a prompt "Corrupted Vision" this means that I have to make a prototype with purposely bad design to it such as AI speed set to max, bad map controls and bad indication such as goal being green instead it eliminates the player.

This week I needed to get the following working

AI - even if its simple enough

Control Layout - Initially I made the player had to use the control and player sideways, however, due to time constraint I had to revert back to the keyboard/mouse and I made the dash, jump binded to the mouse right and left click.

Playtest 2

The video sample attached is with AI included and one with how to clear the level this due because I made the AI really unfair and difficult. 

For Playtest I had again, 6 total playtester to play my prototype, they're all different from the week prior, however, based on the prompt were given the prototype was not cleared and one person manage to get to the half way through the playtest. they did give great feedback about the AIs and Controls such

Tutorial - The prototype should a check point after clearing the tutorial the first time.

AI - the distance check could veried from platform to the platform therefore they speed to much.

Controls - they felt new ways to play the game, however, same problem applies from the previous prototype such clipping and also the infinite jumping when the player are hugging the wall.

Camera Trigger - there were camera trigger when the player hit the pits and recovers  the camera would disconnect due to the trigger and causes it to follow the player no longer.

Overall, this week was more productive the previous week, I had more feedback received compared to the previous week  and I hope to continue to develop this idea in the next week prototype.

Prototype 3 - Conversion 2D to 3D

In this prototype I'll using the same control again, however, I have to redo the scripts again because I'll be creating a 3D game in a 2D perspective. What I hoped to achieve in this prototype is the make the game 3D because it will open more option for the project and it will ease the production of game.

Lastly, the prompt given for next week is "Nature" I will try my best to implement the prompt to the prototype and  I hoped this will make the game more interesting than doing simple 2D platformer.

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